The Zapotec word for house, Yú'ù, has served to name a recent initiative that allows simple to stay in guest houses to enjoy the scenery and the historic and artistic attractions of beautiful villages with a very attractive environment and contact with people the place and its traditions. The Tourist Y are individual houses, designed to accommodate up to five people. The rental fee is very economical. Reservations can be made ??through the Ministry of Tourism Development Oaxaca (SEDETUR). At present there are thirteen Tourist Y populations in the Valley of Oaxaca. In colonial times, Oaxaca came to occupy a prominent place in the development of New Spain. Stays of wool cattle provided them to Puebla looms, haciendas cultivated sugarcane which were produced the most famous sweet viceroyalty, were bred the best horses on the continent, were exploited gold, silver and dyes arising from the use of cochineal, and ports of Huatulco and Salina Cruz arrived treasures of Peru, Guayaquil and Guatemala and silks, fabrics and spices loaded in the Philippines. The development of cities, ports, refineries and industries, implemented in parallel with the glories and miseries of evangelizing, not overthrow the system of beliefs and ways of life of indigenous communities, who integrated their old values??, with little modification, with the symbols and practices of the new faith. In 1577, the bishop of the diocese of Oaxaca, Fray Bernardo de Alburquerque, Philip II recounts the difficulties of his task in a land where the Indians speak 22 languages??, live "more spilled and scattered" in Vizcaya and Navarra "idolatries suck the breasts of their mothers. "