Some workers at the Hacienda San Alberto coffee show dry coffee beans ready for roasting. (Buenavista, Quindio). The purpose of grinding is to reduce the toasted grain size to facilitate extraction of aromas and soluble compounds during preparation of the beverage. Thus, the contact time determines how much water-coffee coffee flavoring material will be removed from the coffee grounds. To avoid excessive under development or extraction of flavor components is necessary to establish the correct size of particles of ground coffee. This is how it is necessary to adjust the mill to ensure this effect. As a rule, prolonged preparation must be supplemented with larger particles (coarser grind) and shorter times with smaller particles (finer grind). Of course, the water quality has a major impact on the final taste of the drink. Water should be transparent and free from patent taints, they should seek to be free of pollutants, or substances such as chlorine, and the mineral content of calcium and magnesium give hardness to the water, are in median proportion (less to 150 ppm expressed as calcium carbonate CaCO3). In this sense, do not use water drawn from deep wells, or chlorinated water â "€ aqueduct waters that have not been filtradasâ" €. In general, the best water (to prevent taste alterations) are bottled. Water temperature during the preparation of the beverage affects the degree of extraction of flavor components of coffee from Colombia. Usually water is used as soon reaches its boiling point. Water at these temperatures releases the aromatic materials more quickly and allows a correct extraction of other soluble in a reasonable time. As a general rule, the temperature should be kept constant throughout the brewing cycle. The relationship between the amount of water per 500 grams of ground coffee used, will determine the density of the beverage and the ability to appreciate. Depending on the country can consume very diluted coffee or coffee concentrate. The following table details the suggested Colombia Coffee for typical consumption in countries like Colombia, northern Europe or North America.