One activity that can be performed in the Valley of Cocora is planting a Palm wax, Ceroxylon quindiuense, the "national tree" of the country. This colony of palms, which is already announced in the fall of the top of the line to the city of Armenia, form a unique landscape of giant silent witness to the passing of time, as these require a palm up to 200 years reach their average height, which is 60m. The Wax Palm Quindío is National Tree of the Republic of Colombia. Its scientific name is "Ceroxylon Quindiuense". It is an impressive palm tree beauty, extraordinary strength and legendary longevity. Is unique to the Colombian Andes. It reaches heights of up to 70 meters. Was chosen as the National Tree of Colombia by the preparatory commission of the Third South American Botanical Congress, held in Bogota in 1949. Later it was officially adopted as a national symbol by law 61 of 1985. Family: Arecaceae (Palmae). Shape of the glass: Plume hemispherical, broad and thick. Color: Dark green to gray. Habit: Very high, reaching up to 70 meters high. Growth: Very slow to form the base of the stalk, then slow moderately safe. Trunk: Cylindrical, straight, smooth, covered with a layer of wax. Foliage: Dense. Bark: Smooth, whitish, with dark rings accented shaped scar left by the falling leaves. Leaves: pinnate and large. Flowers: in clusters, cream color. Fruit: In drupe globose, arranged in clusters of reddish when ripe.