Amazon Canopy Walkway, one of the longest suspension bridges in the world, which will allow the primary forest animals from a height of 37 meters and is suspended over the 14 tallest trees in the area. Bridges / streets, bridges / railway bridges, war, bridges, wharves, churches and all kinds of prefabricated structures ... each cut into its different members of cast iron, with an instruction manual for assembly and a sack of thousands of bolts. Because the rivets would stay in France. "We can not rely on the workforce in place", wrote the faithful Lelièvre. "There is no construction engineers like ours." The old agent, as always, had it all planned. "What does it matter that these works are far away ..." wrote Eiffel 16 March 1869, a typical hero of the century XIX, absurdly trusting in his own powers "... if we can discount a strong benefit with great caution? Indochina, Senegal, Java, the Reunion Islands were also distant. In South America, and Lelièvre, we will repeat our success .'ll take the monopoly of the English. The business will pass into our hands, and soon will cover the entire continent ... "(And so would have been, for sure. Only Lelièvre died on November 23, 1873, taking him abruptly with all plans ) .2. II "Gustave Eiffel had a passion for innovation and risk. Never mind that he was not an architect. Each of his projects was a sophisticated, minimalist technical feat that dramatically ended up being more formal than any of the great contemporary architects. That was how he became the top figure of aesthetics ingenieros.Eiffel was spontaneous, like any genius, his obsessions. Amid the constant innovation, always repeating his love for the functional, the aerodynamics, the tectonic rigor light pieces tightly bound, by subjecting the symbolic to the functional. "The important thing," he said, "is that the outlines of a monument as determined by the perfect adaptation to its function. This happened in the tower, and it did when it wanted to build suspension bridges to export to colonias.Quizás because only suspension bridge that was commissioned in his career was a small wooden bridge, almost toy for the Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, in Paris in 1867, which Eiffel had become obsessed with the typology. So the bridge had asked scenic values to be added to the romantic focus of the park, in neoclassical gazebo, to his cave, a waterfall ... No more antithetical request for an industrial engineer as he is. And yet, in the structure of modest bridge Buttes-Chaumont, is the set of forty-three tons of mass load-bearing, which becomes the ornament. Cables lined steel ropes holding the wooden platform of sixty-five meters of light between the two rocky outcrops, holds as perhaps no other bridge endorse the kind of beauty that always aspired Eiffel: the one that comes from the simplicity of a structure autodeclara.A in 1880, the French engineering in Europe declined and business began to be more active in abroad, particularly in South America, sharing the market with English as the areas of political influence. It was the second opportunity for Eiffel. This time was to find a new strategy in producing prefabricated distinguish the French for his own, by that sort of simplicity and lightness Gothic, based on Technical Performance ... It was then he remembered his little bridge, dropping a stroke on the treillis.Nada Poutre is astounding that a suspension bridge. The apparent lightness of the huge mass determined by dynamic balance, was the kind of boldness that Eiffel needed enthusiasm to constructive genius. Against the rough framework of a wild place, this production of the industrial age pure domination would cry shocking français de l'homme on Amazonian nature ...