Woodlawn Cemetery. Webster Avenue corner of East 233rd Street. Woodlawn <M> 4 (Mon-Sun 8:30-17 / photographs by prior permission). Tel 718-920-0500. This is a huge cemetery has more than 160 which was created after the Civil War in 1863. Among their tombstones and mausoleums are many famous people of the city as Mayor LaGuardia, Miles Davis, jazz musician Duke Ellinton. Currently, more than 300,000 people have found lasting peace in this magnificent cemetery. As it could not be otherwise, the cemeteries of New York also have interest. In this case, highlight the Woodlawn in the Bronx. Each spring held a concert in tribute to one of the most illustrious dead buried there: the jazz musician Duke Ellington. In Torrelles de Llobregat, Catalonia, there is a curious animal cemetery. Sometimes, traveling and visiting a cemetery may seem a bit macabre, but instead, we visited the pyramids of Egypt without considering this issue. In the silence of a cemetery can read the story of a city or see sculptures and buildings of artistic interest. Maybe that's why, in many cemeteries are made guided tours. This is the case located in the neighborhood of Poble Nou in Barcelona and the Gathering in Buenos Aires, where the mausoleum of Eva Peron.