In some instances there has occurred a proliferation of extremely specialized forms and designs to meet different applications. In no other area is this more true than Ifugao basketwork, which is rebust, functional and extremely diverse. Although the primary elements of form and structure are largely dictated by custom and propriety, no two objects are exactly alike. Every Ifugao artist has his individual style and personal aesthetics. Ritual boxes, gong handles, bowls and spoons, coffins, wooden beds, lime containers (of wood and human bone), textiles and even houses are ornamented and embellished for no other reason than that of the artist's pleasure or preference. Whatever the Ifugao make or use, there is generally added another dimension, as knowing hands see and shape the essence contained in a piece of wood, bone or stone, or shape from a lump of clay a form which is both functional and elegant. The Ifugao appreciation of fine and beautiful objects extends to a variety of imported items, including ancient stoneware and Chinese porcelain jars, bronze gongs, glass and porcelain beads, weavings from other mountain peoples, and a variety of shells (used for jewelry) carried up from the coast. These mainly prestige items are in many instances restricted (either by custom or cost) to wealthy and socially prominent families. Restrictions also apply in matters of personal adornment: certain garments, designs and tattoos are limited to the nobility, or to specific parts of the body. Some ornaments can be worn on the legs but not on the arms; specific types of tattoos can only be worn by successful head takers. In recent years, however, both tattooing and headtaking have largely ceased and now tattoos are only to be found on the elderly; trophy heads have all but disappeared. Although Ifugao daily dress is somewhat sparse, devoid of jewelry and consisting of little more than a breechcloth for men and a short skirt for women, ritual wear is colorful and exuberant. Festive and ceremonial occasions provide an opportunity for the Ifugao to don heavily coiled copper leg and arm ornaments, gold necklaces, earrings and headpieces, shell chest ornaments and girdles, boar tusk armlets with handsomely carved figures, precious beads, and elegant woven skirts, loincloths and jackets.