ALASKA: Nicknamed the "Great Land" (and by no stretch an understatement), Alaska has 3 million lakes, an estimated 100,000 glaciers (covering 5% of the state), more active glaciers than in the rest of the inhabited world, one of the world's largest tides, more than 33,904 miles of coastline, 3.2 million acres of State Park lands, and is 2.3 times the size of Texas (aka one- fifth the size of the Lower 48 sates). Not to mention it's home to 80% of all the active volcanoes in the US and its recent history includes the third most powerful earthquake in the world's recorded history—the 1964 "Good Friday Earthquake" with a magnitude of 9.2. IEFC Fotografia de Viajes
Alaska Viaje a Bolivia JUL/22
FORMENTERA: The last Mediterranean paradise Formentera is known as the last Mediterranean paradise because it has been able to combine tourism with environmental protection. The struggle of various generations of Formenterans has made possible the conservation of an island whose beaches, transparent waters and climate make it a little jewel in Mare Nostrum. Thousands of Haitian pilgrims all over the country in the Voodoo Festival in Saut d 'Eau, a town about 150 kilometers north of Port au Prince, capital of Haiti.
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