Crafts made in Mukuni Village. Mukuni Village is a Royal village which was founded around the 13th Century. It is home to about 7,000 Leya people. The chief has invited visitors into his village to get a glimpse of how his people have lived for generations and to learn a little about their traditional customs and beliefs. The Chief's guides and the people of the village are more than happy to show visitors their huts and take you inside, explain how they are built and decorated, introduce you to various craftsmen and women at work and ask you to taste some traditional foods and beer. This is a working village, not a purpose built tourist attraction, and it is a privilege to be welcomed into their lifestyle. Mukuni is our neighbouring traditional village which is over 700 years old and still ruled by its traditional ruler, His Royal Highness Chief Mukuni, Monarch of the Victoria Falls. During a visit to Mukuni you will get to see the Real Zambia; you are very much welcome to visit the school and the clinic (amongst others).