Dressed entirely to John Baldez, this man continues to promote Colombian coffee in the Valley of Cocora. Best of Cócora A 11 km from the town of Salento, between 1800 and 2400 meters high, with an average temperature of 15 °, find a place called the Valley dream Cocora, which means Star of Water. Inherits its name from the Princess Cocora, daughter of Chief Acaime, it is said of the name which is the onomatopoeia of a bird of the region. The guardian of the mountain region is the Cerro de Morrogacho, ecological center of many habitats. Also in the surrounding area cemeteries have been discovered some Indians. The most common native fauna of the valley is the mountain tapir, puma, spectacled bear, condor, Sloth, Toucan Celeste, Tigre, Hummingbird, etc.. A visitor can visit the Valle Verde reserves and Heritage, Forest of Mist, Mountain, Acaime, etc.. corresponding to the so-called high Andean forest that is home to the National Tree of Colombia: the wax palm, declared by Act 61 of 1985. It is the world's tallest palm and grows at higher altitudes. Other species of flora Cocora Valley are the Pine Romerón, Seven Heads, Encenillo, Arnica, La Puya, the Frailejón, etc. In 2001 the restaurant was awarded Cócora Forests and recognized as Quindio establishing more trout dishes sold in the country and one of the most visited tourist destinations in Quindio. The property is sold in different types of dishes, but the specialty is trout in different preparations, we also offer grilled dishes.