The variety of animal forms present is unusually high to the extent that is mentioned as one of the two richest places in the world in relation to the number of species of salamanders of the family Plethodontidae, the butterflies reach here an array of colors and shapes they regard it as one of the three areas with higher species richness nationally and even many with very rare species only live here, so they come to be valued by collectors at high prices, as in the case of the Pterourus hope with list prices of up to $ 1,500 per copy. Reptiles are not far behind in variety of forms and at least 13 species found only here. Birds meanwhile deployed its most varied forms, and recent studies reveal the presence of more than 400 species, two of which survive today only in this awesome place and at least 15 are considered threatened or endangered. Finally, a wide range of mammals found in the Sierra relatively safe habitat, so it is possible the existence of at least eleven species of threatened or endangered species such as the tapir, jaguar and spider monkey, but usually are hard to see . • Museum of Solitude - Oaxaca City (Independence, 107). Handicraft and Indian costumes. In one of the premises is an image of the Virgin and, around it, a lot of bouquets, boutonnieres and bridal veils, among other objects. In another enclosure antiques are coming from the XVI century, four dresses and crowns worn by the Virgin, priestly robes, a Christ in the Holy Sepulchre of more recent and a lot of paintings that attest to the fervor of the people . • Museum of Contemporary Art of Oaxaca (MACO) - City of Oaxaca (House of Cortez). The so-called House of Cortez is one of the oldest in the city and also one of the most representative examples of civil architecture in Oaxaca. The house was acquired by the State Government to host the Urban Historical Museum of Oaxaca. Today it houses the Museum of Contemporary Art of Oaxaca (MACO), which has 14 showrooms, six of them for the permanent collection: a sample of Oaxacan artists, among which are Rodolfo Nieto, Francisco Gutierrez, Rodolfo Morales and Francisco Tamayo. The MACO also the scene of other exhibitions, conferences and cultural activities.