The stories and legends are general in nature, is common in the history of our people, whether conceived in an unbelievable fact is, the product of a myth, or based on the verification of a significant event in remote and whose If sometimes takes body of tradition, which in turn are derived certain uses, customs and practices which constitute precisely the bone manifestations of folklore. In this aspect Oaxaca has a variety of mythical legends and historical listed first among the Zapotec legend of fire birth, the birth of the legendary trees Apoala, parents of the first man and the first woman Mixtec, between the second include the poetic legend of Princess Donají and singular apparitions of the Virgin of Solitude and Juquila. In each of the stories we can find a number of suggestive stories, traditions and legends ranging from those with epic flavor, reminiscent to the fables concerning the grandparents, the narrative of daily events is rich and varied in Oaxaca and flavor that put our countrymen is a very special event. The origin of the festival of Lunes del Cerro is linked to pre-Hispanic rituals dedicated to Centeotl, goddess of corn. After the arrival of the Spanish, Franciscan and Dominican Centeotl banned cults, destroyed the altar of the goddess in the foothills of Daninayaoloani, the Cerro de la Bella Vista, Cerro del Fortin today, and instead built the Catholic church dedicated Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church of Carmen Alto today. At the time of the Independence of Mexico and the Mexican Revolution, the festival dedicated to the Virgen del Monte Carmelo continued acceptance in the village, coming up after the religious to the hill, to enjoy a picnic. In 1932, the 400th anniversary of the City of Oaxaca, held a tribute to the capital by representatives from all regions of the state, with dancing, music, entertainment and a "Guelaguetza" representative of the City of Oaxaca. These dances had a great impact on the Oaxacan decided to repeat it in the Cerro del Fortin, during the festivities of Lunes del Cerro. Starting in 1953, were finally joined the Guelaguetza tradition and festivities of Lunes del Cerro, and in 1974, opened a 11,400-seat auditorium attendees to host the main event of the festival, dances representatives from all regions.