Still in the nineteenth century the Maasai were feared as it dominated the rest of the peoples of East Africa. They had the best pastures and practiced without shame , no resistance kidnapping and theft. All his strength was based on a military organization. While their nomadic trait related to the maintenance of cattle , prevented the organization of a state, which would bring them later decomposition as a people, this factor decisively acting to the detriment of their civilization. It was always intended that the woman becomes pregnant around wedding, any sexual relationship between spouses be prohibited until the children are born. The man they are also banned certain privileges such as visiting the cottage of labor during the first ten years or eating at home until the child learns to walk. But the woman is the one who ends up paying the highest penance after the jump , though the oldest of the harem has some power over the others, has to suffer like the rest , certain humiliating situations . It is tradition that the groom's family receives in the first game based insults and manure - as an allegory of the hard life he undertakes and the need to strengthen their character , and during their years of marriage , due to the objectification suffering , can be given by the husband to any friend who is passing through the village and meet needs venereal need.