Freshwater pink dolphins in one of the tributaries of the Amazon to Iquitos about 40 miles near the town of Indiana. In his youth, these dolphins are gray. The Amazonian pink river dolphin is the most romantic aquatic animal imaginable. Even we can say that sexual behavior can be likened somewhat to that of apes and humanos.Al beings as well as some men use flowers to attract women, the male of this South American species collected pieces of wood, rocks or piles of mud to capture the attention of the ritual is to offer hembras.El female offerings, bringing them closer to the peak and upright, very near the surface, then immersed rotating on its own aims eje.El impress the female and show his qualities, showing that it can be a great father. If other dolphins around, it will show strong aggressive against them, but never enter into a fight in the presence of male pink dolphins hembra.Los have that color characteristic for the healing of their wounds from fighting with other males. To have a deeper color means it has faced more opportunities and greater intensity to other dolphins, a sign of prestige and distinction.