In the market town of Indiana you can buy alligator meat. The Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger) is native to northern South America. Its distribution includes the Amazon basin from the mouth to Ecuador and Bolivia. There are reports of having been seen in Paraguay.Melanosuchus niger inhabits all types of fresh water course. Shows a preference for lakes, rivers running low, flooded fields, etc. A selected time where going to nest, which can be on one side next to a lake, the mother in the process of building a nest for several days which is a small town dry land vegetation. After the rear legs make a hole on the mound and that's where it deposits eggs. After the start, this species is from 21 to 75 eggs, cover eggs and transferred to water. Apparently some mothers remain near the nest and defend it fiercely, but there is documentation that some remains in the area but not as well developed maternal instincts show and still others ignore finished putting the nest completo.La Incubation takes about 12 to 13 weeks , although it is possible that in some places take less time and that reports of five to six weeks. At least some mothers remove the earth on the eggs when the young alligators cascarón.El going to leave the eggshells is hard. The eggs measure from 86 to 97 50 to 56 mm and weigh 90 to 155 grams. Some eggs are irregular, smaller, but they are the exception. Newborns weigh about 90 grams and measuring 20 to 30 cm. A few days after birth are seen among the aquatic vegetation in the lake or other water tank next to which the mother anidó.Entre the reasons why the nests are lost document the flooding. If the mother does not help the young to leave the nest some may die asfixiados.La niger Melanosuchus power is based on fish, being supplemented with medium to large mammals, deer, capybaras, pigs and dogs. Due to its large size, pose a threat to people, which ataca.Este alligator can grow to 6 meters in length, although the usual size is 2.4 to 3 meters and this is rare in those exceed 4 metros.El nature name derived from the color of the skin of adults. Juveniles have yellow spots and stripes.