General map of the Amazon forest and primary forest. The word trail is an Americanism to describe a narrow path opened through the forest or bush. It distinguishes itself in the way that no trees are felled its banks or invested in expanding the road work or building bridges and permanent. The existence of the trail depends on traffic, for travelers cleared vegetation with machetes and mark the line with his own tracks, so if a trail is little used ends up eaten away by the advance of the plants. During the rubber groves really true paths were very few, dominated the short-lived trails whose existence is only known today by plotting on maps of the time. A path was right to exist only in places as busy as between San José del Guaviare and squid in the river Unilla (High Vaupés); Mocoa and the Banana River (Alto Putumayo) and Lime Mocoa (Alto Caquetá), the step Tagua to Caucaya (Putumayo Caquetá) or House (River Caraparana) La Chorrera (river lgaraparaná). For the rest, but strategically it knew of the need to build roads, socio-economic reality only allowed to keep the trails. For them occasionally spent a few travelers or hunters and then the rain ere it closed.