A woman with her eyes is almost gone into a trance at the waterfalls of Saut d'eau en Ville-Bonheur. Voodoo Festival Saut d'Eau is celebrated every year on July 16 to coincide with the day on which in 1847 appeared a vision of the Virgin Mary. Thousands of devotees coming from all parts of Haiti are bathed in this water for purified or pra lose the Grand Master that their dreams become reality. Voodoo is the main religion of Haiti. The followers need to be possessed by a spirit Iwa to communicate with Grand Met, since this is abut far from the physical plane. In the photograph, an adept is possessed by the great Iwa. Cries and movements are convulsive. In this religion, for a follower or become vodouisant priest or houngan need to first undergo a series of initiation ceremonies. During the pilgrimage that takes place in July on the village is filled with visitors invading all available resources. For the rest of year, no one comes close to this corner of Plaine du Cul de Sac but in those days people camping with ease as he can. Some come equipped with tents, others sleep at friends' houses and the wealthy and some journalists slept in the Hotel Villa Marie Robenson & Georges, a cubbyhole flophouse that makes parties pay for their beds to abusive price $ 100. It takes advantage of being practically the only hotel in town and many choose to visit the Wozo Plaza Hotel in the nearby town of Mirebalais as a much better reputation and service closer to his price.